New Feature

Introducing the New Look of Our PD Course Catalogue

March 15, 2024

Hello Educators,

We are thrilled to announce a fresh update to Proserva that is specifically designed with your growth and convenience in mind. We understand the vital role of professional development in enhancing teaching skills and strategies. That's why we're introducing a series of exciting new features and improvements to our home page, aimed at making your learning journey more enriching, intuitive, and inspiring.

A Warm Welcome to a Vibrant Learning Space

First impressions matter. We believe that a welcoming environment is key to encouraging continuous learning and exploration. Our updated home page now features a more engaging visual design. This new aesthetic is not just about looks; it's about making you feel at home and motivated to embark on your professional development journey.

New Course Catalogue
Old Course Catalogue

Streamlined Discovery for Tailored Professional Development

We recognize that every educator's professional development needs are unique. To support your individual learning paths, we have enhanced the discoverability of courses with several key features:

Improved Search Functionality

Quickly find exactly what you're looking for. Designed to deliver relevant results tailored to your professional interests and needs.

Robust Filtering Options

Narrow down your options effortlessly with advanced filters, allowing you to sort professional development opportunities by subject, content provider, and more.

Categorized Learning

Easily navigate through our catalog with courses now categorized by subject and content provider. Whether you're looking for strategies in mathematics instruction or seeking insights into classroom management, finding the right courses has never been easier.

Personalized Learning Journeys at Your Fingertips

Your time is valuable, and we want to help you make the most of it. Our new home page introduces a personalized learning experience:

  1. Recently Viewed Courses: Pick up right where you left off with quick access to your recently viewed courses.
  2. Recommended Courses: Courses that others have recommended for you.
  3. Trending Courses: Stay updated with what's new and popular in the world of teacher professional development with our trending courses section. Based on top enrolled courses over the last several months.
  4. Newest Arrivals: Be the first to explore the latest courses added to our platform, ensuring you're always at the forefront of educational innovation.
  5. Highlighted Content Providers: Get to know the organizations and experts behind courses on Proserva.
  6. Popular Courses: Discover what other educators are loving with our curated selection of popular courses. Based on all-time enrolment.

How This Update Benefits You

We believe that these updates will significantly enhance your experience on our platform by:

  • Saving Time: The improved navigation and personalized suggestions mean less time searching and more time learning.
  • Encouraging Exploration: With a more inviting homepage and streamlined discovery, you'll feel encouraged to explore new areas of professional interest.
  • Supporting Focused Learning: By categorizing courses and offering robust filtering options, we help you focus on what's most relevant to your professional growth.
  • Building Community: Highlighting trending and popular courses fosters a sense of community and shared learning among educators.

We're committed to supporting your journey as an educator, and we hope these updates make your professional development experience more enjoyable, efficient, and tailored to your needs. Dive into the new features today and start exploring the myriad of opportunities to grow and excel in your teaching career.

Thank you for being a part of our community. Here's to your continued success and development!

The Proserva Team

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